Besondere Ehre: Einladung der TUM als externe Expertin zu #HacktheMovies
Special honor: Invitation of TUM as external expert to #HacktheMovies
How will we consume movies in the future? How will we contribute with our own stories if we wanted to? How can we create spaces and concepts for intaeractive communal experiences? How can we change existing cinemas into exciting environments? And are there other places that fit the idea of a film experience?
Join us in exploring and disrupting how we perceive movies and exchange stories. Together with experts from TUM and the movie industry we run the Urban Prototyping Lab as a structured, interdisciplinary design workshop – understand, imagine, develop and test your vision. We will have impulse talks and insights from filmmakers and cinema owners, researchers, urban activists, decision makers, developers, architects. And we will work in interdisciplinary teams of Master’s degree students from architecture, design, management, informatics, engineering and sociology.
Are you ready to #HACKtheMOVIES?
Send a quick application (short motivation letter and CV) to
6 Teams / 3 ECTS
2,5-days workshop + prototyping phase
22.10. 17:00 – 19:00
Workshop day
04.11. 17:00 – 19:00
05.11. 9:00 – 17:00
06.11. 9:00 – 17:00
26.11. 17:00 – 19:00
TU München:
Prof. Alain Thierstein
TUM Chair of Urban Development
Yonne-Luca Hack
TUM ARI / Urban Prototyping Lab
Christos Chantzaras
TUM ARI and Venture Labs
Externe Experten:
Anne Batisweiler
Kinoplanung Batisweiler
Marie Theres Relin
Region18 / Kinoevents
Florian Mäteling
Christian Pfeil
Gilde deutscher Filmkunsttheater
Helge Albers
MOIN Filmförderung
Uli Aselmann
Anstubser: David Althammer